Park Slope Eye
682 Union St Brooklyn NY 11215 +1 347-560-8393

Effective Ways to Prepare Your Kids for An Eye Exam Hero

Effective Ways to Prepare Your Kids for An Eye Exam

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Kids primarily learn through observation, which is it’s so important to make sure their eyesight is sharp. To that end, it’s critical to have your kids undergo routine eye exams. Unfortunately, some kids are frightened of anything having to do with a doctor. If this sounds familiar, read on as your reliable pediatric eye doctor share some helpful ways to prepare your child for their eye exam:

Tell Them What to Expect

Many children develop “white coat syndrome” because they do not understand the importance of seeing a doctor. Even though they are young, they’ll still benefit from an explanation about what to expect during the appointment. Use words that are easy to comprehend and appropriate for their learning capacity. It can also help to show them pictures of the clinic, instruments, and even the doctor. Doing so makes the process less scary and more fun, which helps make your kids more cooperative.

You Should Be Ready Too

Before the appointment, we suggest visiting the clinic’s website to read about their eye care products and services. You can also search for specific terms, like family eye care, children’s eyeglasses, or pediatric optometrist. You may also drop by the clinic to see if it’s child-friendly and meet our eye doctors. This can help establish rapport, which is a good way to build your kids’ trust.

We advise preparing your children’s medical history and bringing along previous medical documents. It’s also a good idea to write down any questions or concerns you may have about their visual health. This helps ensure a smooth and productive consultation.

Stay by Your Kids’ Side

Nothing compares to the comfort that your touch and presence bring. Holding your children’s hand or simply staying by their side during the visit is an effective way to calm their nerves.

Turn to Park Slope Eye for premier eye care services. Apart from eye exams, we also provide dry eye treatment, ocular disease management, and many more services. Just complete our form to request an appointment. We serve families in Brooklyn, NY.


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  • Written by Justin Bazan

    Dr. Justin Bazan is a 2004 SUNY College of Optometry graduate. He established Park Slope Eye in 2008 with the goal of providing high quality eyecare and incredible eyewear for the neighborhood. He has a true passion for optometry and stay up to date with the current research and trends. He is active in the profession and holds several leadership positions on the local, state and national levels. Dr. Bazan is a Park Slope local and can often be seen out in the neighborhood so be sure to say Hi next time you see him!

    More Articles by Justin Bazan

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