Park Slope Eye
682 Union St Brooklyn NY 11215 +1 347-560-8393

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What Are the Best Eye Drops for Dry Eyes?

A close up of a person administering eye drops in their eye to help alleviate the symptoms of dry eye disease.

Choosing the best eye drops for dry eyes depends on the underlying cause and the severity of the condition. Here are some commonly recommended types:

Artificial Tears: These are the most commonly used and can be found over-the-counter. They provide temporary relief by lubricating the eyes.

Preservative-Free Drops: These are suitable for people who need to use eye drops frequently, as preservatives in some drops can cause irritation with long-term use.

Gels and Ointments: These provide longer-lasting relief and are usually used before bedtime as they can blur vision temporarily.

Anti-Redness Drops: These reduce redness but should be used sparingly as they can cause rebound redness and worsen dryness over time.

Prescription Drops: For more severe dry eye or underlying conditions like inflammation, your eye doctor might prescribe medicated drops. […]

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