Recent studies show that around 2,000 workers in the United States incur occupation-related eye injuries each day. As your trusted eye care clinic, Park Slope Eye always puts a premium on your visual health and safety. Here, our experienced eye doctors in Brooklyn, NY, shares four reliable ways to safeguard your vision while at the workplace.
1. Be Aware of Potential Vision Hazards
If you work in a manufacturing or construction company, dust, debris, and other particles can get stuck in your eyes, and chemical fumes in the vicinity may carry sight-threatening risks as well. Additionally, healthcare workers may be exposed to contagious bacteria or viruses that can enter through the eye and pose serious risks.
2. Use Proper Protective Eyewear
The best way to counter these workplace-related risks is by wearing protective eyewear. We suggest wearing glasses with side protection when working in dusty workplaces, and goggles when dealing with chemicals or bodily fluids. We recommend using special purpose safety eyewear if you work with lasers, fiber optics, or welding instruments.
3. Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome
Many jobs may require you to spend hours in front of a computer. Studies show that looking at electronic devices for too long can increase your risk of developing blue light-induced ocular changes. As your Park Slope eye care specialists, we suggest wearing computer eyeglasses and installing anti-glare screens on your monitors. Make sure you also rest your eyes periodically.
4. Visit Your Eye Specialist Regularly
Having regular eye exams is one of the most basic, yet most effective ways to protect and maintain your visual health. We can perform various tests to assess your eyes for any irregularities and provide immediate management. We advise seeing our expert optometrists at least once every two years to ensure continuous evaluation of your eyes’ condition.
As experts in Park Slope family eye care, we understand that protecting your vision while at work is important to ensure an optimal quality of life. For more tips on ensuring your visual safety at work, call us at (347) 380-7070. You may also send us a message or complete our form to schedule an appointment.