Park Slope Eye
682 Union St Brooklyn NY 11215 +1 347-560-8393

Ways the Summer Heat Can Harm Your Eyes Hero

Ways the Summer Heat Can Harm Your Eyes

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It isn’t just your skin that requires protection from the harmful effects of the sun. Your eyes are highly vulnerable to summer heat as well. In this post, your local eye care provider, Park Slope Eye, discusses ways the sun and summer heat can harm your eyes and what you can do about it.

Ways the Summer Heat Can Harm Your Eyes

Eye Conditions Related to Summer Heat

  • Eye Allergies – The rising temperatures and air pollutants increase the risk of eye allergies. Eye allergies are characterized by itching, redness and a burning sensation.
  • Conjunctivitis – This is a common condition during summer, usually due to a viral or bacterial  infection. It’s characterized by redness of eyes, a pricking sensation, sticky discharge, and watery eyes. It is contagious, meaning it can be passed from one individual to another. Conjunctivitis can be passed through direct contact or sharing an object with an infected person.
  • Styes – Bacterial infection in the eyelid causes styes to develop. Symptoms include redness, swelling and pain. Styles are very common in children. Visit your doctor if the stye persists for more than a week or causes vision changes. For your pediatric and family eye care needs, you can count on Park Slope Eye.
  • Dry Eye Disease – The warmer temperatures cause quick tear film evaporation, resulting in dry eyes.

Preventive Measures

Wear sunglasses with 100 percent UV protection when heading outdoors. Sleep at least six to eight hours to encourage the natural rejuvenation process of your eyes. Splash cold water on your eyes a few times daily to relieve redness or puffiness.

To protect your eyes, wear goggles when swimming. Avoid sharing personal things like cosmetics, handkerchief, towels, pillowcases and sheets. Keep your home clean and maintain good hygiene. Frequently wash your hands and avoid rubbing or touching your eyes.

Regularly visit your local eye doctor, Park Slope Eye, to monitor your eye health and vision. We offer comprehensive eye exams, vision therapy, dry eye treatment and more. Schedule an appointment online to learn more about our services. We assist patients in Brooklyn, NY.


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  • Written by Justin Bazan

    Dr. Justin Bazan is a 2004 SUNY College of Optometry graduate. He established Park Slope Eye in 2008 with the goal of providing high quality eyecare and incredible eyewear for the neighborhood. He has a true passion for optometry and stay up to date with the current research and trends. He is active in the profession and holds several leadership positions on the local, state and national levels. Dr. Bazan is a Park Slope local and can often be seen out in the neighborhood so be sure to say Hi next time you see him!

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