Park Slope Eye
682 Union St Brooklyn NY 11215 +1 347-560-8393

A Mission for Vision: Avoiding Eye Injuries at Home Hero

A Mission for Vision: Avoiding Eye Injuries at Home

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Did you know there are dangers in and around your house that might put your visual health at risk? This blog post brings those dangers to light.

A Mission for Vision: Avoiding Eye Injuries at Home

In observance of Home Eye Safety Awareness Month, eye care clinic Park Slope Eye offers these tips to help reduce the risks of eye injuries at home.

Gear Up

When performing home maintenance tasks such as mowing the lawn or cleaning the garage, don’t forget to wear proper eye gear. Just as you wear gloves and work boots for yard or garden work, the same protective measures should also be applied to your eyes. You may wear goggles for protection from flying debris and sharp objects, or sunglasses for shielding against harmful ultraviolet rays. Goggles and other protective gear worn over your corrective eyeglasses can easily be found in local hardware stores. These can be used even when cooking or handling cleaning chemicals.

Various tasks can be accomplished more efficiently when you have all the proper protective gear. However, depending on the severity of your vision problems (if any), it’s still best to ask your eye specialist about which tasks you should and should not do around the house.

Prioritize Safety

Common household items are responsible for 125,000 eye injuries annually. Avoid being part of the statistics by eliminating tripping hazards. Secure slippery rugs and fix unsteady banisters and handrails. Check areas where protruding nails might be present. Cover any sharp edges, especially children or seniors are living in your home. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling household chemicals. Keep sharp objects and gardening tools away from children. Lastly, provide proper lighting all throughout your house so eye-related dangers can be spotted and avoided easily.

Your home offers a safe haven from the stressors of the outside world. As the premier eye care provider in the area, our goal is to provide you the same security and comfort. Park Slope Eye aims to be the place you go to for all your visual health needs. You may call us at (347) 380-7070. We serve Brooklyn, NY.


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  • Written by Justin Bazan

    Dr. Justin Bazan is a 2004 SUNY College of Optometry graduate. He established Park Slope Eye in 2008 with the goal of providing high quality eyecare and incredible eyewear for the neighborhood. He has a true passion for optometry and stay up to date with the current research and trends. He is active in the profession and holds several leadership positions on the local, state and national levels. Dr. Bazan is a Park Slope local and can often be seen out in the neighborhood so be sure to say Hi next time you see him!

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