Park Slope Eye
682 Union St Brooklyn NY 11215 +1 347-560-8393

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Category: Eye Care

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What Are Polarized Sunglasses and Are They Better for Your Eyes?

A young man wearing polarized glasses while enjoying the view of the landscape.

If you’ve been shopping for a new pair of sunglasses or have heard about polarized lenses, you may wonder what they are and what makes them different from regular sunglasses. Polarized sunglasses have a special filter that helps reduce glare caused by sunlight reflecting off flat surfaces such as water, snow, and windshields. The filter […]

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Can Stress Cause Dry Eyes?

A young woman in a purple robe had worsened her dry eyes due to lack of sleep.

Millions of Americans live with the uncomfortable symptoms of dry eye disease. With Americans also reporting overwhelming stress levels, it might cause you to wonder if stress can affect your physical health—specifically dry eyes. A recent study revealed an interesting connection between stress and dry eyes—stress doesn’t cause the condition, but it can make the […]

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