Children tend to be visual learners. The health of their eyes impacts how they grow, learn, develop, and explore the world around them. Unfortunately, many eye conditions, such as myopia, develop in childhood, which is why it’s imperative to be proactive about your child’s visual health. The most effective way to keep your child’s eyes […]
Preventing Eye Injuries at Work in 4 Easy Steps
Approximately 2,000 Americans sustain eye injuries each day while at work. These workplace eye injuries cost $300 million every year when you account for lost productivity, medical treatment and compensation. […]
Recent Study May Have Identified Genetic Markers Behind AMD
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of visual impairment and blindness among individuals aged 65 years and above. The condition causes loss of cell function in the macula, which is an area of your retina that plays an important role in providing your central vision. Until recently, the reason behind macula’s cell function […]