Low vision is completely different from poor eyesight. While most prescription glasses and contact lenses can correct vision acuity problems, they have little effect, if any, on people with low vision. In fact, if you are suffering from low vision, you may already be considered legally blind.
Don’t lose hope. There have been promising improvements in low vision rehabilitation techniques, and our professional doctors at Park Slope Eye eye care clinic can help you every step of the way.
Diagnosing Low Vision
While we recommend getting a professional check up to accurately diagnose any problems with your vision, there are some helpful benchmarks that can help you learn more about your own eyesight.
• 20/30 to 20/60 vision in the better eye, even with correction glasses, is considered mild vision loss or mild low vision.
• 20/70 to 20/130 vision is moderate low vision.
• 20/200 to 20/400 is severe low vision.
Low Vision Rehabilitation
If you suspect that you may have vision impairment, it’s always best to consult with an eye specialist. Park Slope Eye offers vision therapies for people whose poor eyesight cannot be corrected by prescription glasses or contact lenses. Patients with low vision can benefit from different therapeutic techniques designed specifically to address vision impairment problems.
Related Conditions
Low vision may lead to a number of different challenges including learning problems and difficulties with coordination, navigation and balance. Since the needs of one patient are different from those of another, our therapy treatments are personalized to help correct any vision challenges and other related conditions.
Whatever vision problems you may have, you will find the best eye care from our specialists at Park Slope Eye. You can fill out our online contact form to schedule an appointment today. Our services are available in Brooklyn, NY and nearby areas.