Spending time outdoors is often irresistible once warmer spring weather finally arrives. The sun’s UV rays and the increased pollen count, however, may cause eye problems. Your reliable eye care clinic, Park Slope Eye, shares four effective tips to protect your eyes this spring. […]
Common Risk Factors and Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome
Constant tear production is an essential component of good visual health. Tears keep your eyes moisturized and free from potentially harmful foreign matter. When your eyes fail to produce sufficient tears, or the quality of your tears is compromised, you may develop dry eye syndrome. Here, Park Slope Eye, your trusted eye care clinic in […]
A Beginner’s Guide to Eye Care Options – Part 3: What is Myopia Control?
When it comes to vision problems, one deserves special mention: nearsightedness. Also known as myopia, this condition is known as the most common refractive eye problem in the world, with four out of 10 people from ages 12 to 54 suffering from nearsightedness. […]